Saturday, August 13, 2016


Ingredients German Baumkuchen Recipe

250 g butter, very soft or molten
250 g sugar
1 package vanilla sugar 0.3oz  - How to make Vanilla sugar - or 2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp orange juice
6 eggs, separated
120 g flour
100 g starch
3 tbsp baking powder - 0.5oz
1 tbsp almond or rum flavor
alternatively 3 tbsp amaretto liquor or dark Rum
200 g semi-sweet chocolate for the glaze

Baking Instructions German Baumkuchen Recipe

(see the attached video)
- Mix butter with sugar, vanilla sugar, rum flavor and egg yolks. Mix for about 4-5 min with hand mixer until creamy.
- Add whole eggs, again one after the other and mixing in between.
- Mix flour, starch, baking powder.
- Sieve the flour mix to the dough. Mix well with a spatula.
- Beat egg whites with 75 g sugar until firm, you should see pointy edges on your mixer.
- Fold into dough with spatula.
- Start broiler of your oven (lowest level). Preheat oven.
- Layer bottom of a spring from with parchment paper. Just place parchment over the bottom and close with form.
- Spread about 2 tbsp of the dough on top of the bottom, spread even with a cake lifter (server).
- Roast the dough on the lowest grid for about 2 min (sugar needs to caramelize) on 220 C or 420 F. Distance should be 10 inches from form to heating spiral.
- Repeat this until all dough is in the form in layers. You can see in the video that the layers are thin.
- Always watch the cake so it won't get brown.
- When cake is done let cool off before removing the form.
- Carefully place it upside down on a baking grid, remove parchment paper.
- Melt chocolate (double boiler) and spread on top and on the sides of the cake.
- Smooth out the chocolate with a spatula.
The most special cake of this world is ready!