Monday, May 2, 2011

Frittata con Crepes de Maíz

Ever wake up and you really don't have your normal breakfast foods stocked in the kitchen? We didn't have any bread, just enough eggs to make a frittata, a splash of milk and a wee bit of turkey bacon left.

So without some carbs at the ready I quickly whipped up a "Mexican flatbread" just inspired by what little ingredients I had:
2/3 Cup Whole Wheat Flower
1/3 to 1/2 cup Corn Flower
Canola Oil
Flax Seeds (both toasted and ground flax)
Chia Seeds
Dried Cilantro
Garlic Salt
Regular Salt
Black Pepper
Baking Soda
Water (added until the mixture gets to your preferred pancake batter consistency)

So the Protein portion of breaky was:
4 eggs
Skim Milk
Diced Onions
4 slices of Turkey bacon
Frozen Spinach
Spices (like the cilantro, salt, pepper)
I have would added garlic too if we had some.

In a cast-iron skillet I sautéed the Onions and Bacon until browned. I added the frozen spinach (and garlic) and stirred everything until it thawed. I whipped together the eggs and milk with the spices and added to the skillet stirring for a moment for even distribution of all the ingredients. I preheat the oven to 350F while the frittata begins cooking on top of the range. I placed the cast-iron skillet in the oven and let everything bake until firm. I sometimes broil the top for a brown, bubbly goodness.

I serve a slice of frittata over the flatbread and for a spicy finish I garnished with Frontera Grills Tomatillo and Black Pepper salsa.

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