Monday, October 7, 2013

Hummus from us!

Last year two local hummus producers started in Cincinnati. I thought I would share their flavors as a thought starter for people making their own hummus:

Summuh Hummus:Sister Mary Rosarita (chickpea, lemon, and rosemary)
Midnight in the Garden (black bean, cumin, coriander, cilantro and pickled red onion)
Down by the Sea (navy bean, wakame seaweed, sesame chili oil)

A.N.A.O. Hummus:- Original/Garlic
- Dill & Onion
- Super Spicy!!
- Black Bean & Cilantro
- Sweet Cinnamon Raisin (upon request)

Seasonal Flavors:
- Winter: Curry Lentil & Spinach
- Spring/Summer: Pink Paleo
- Fall: Curry Butternut Squash

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