Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick and Easy Homemade Pasta

My Aunt Theresa gave me this recipe for pasta. It's so easy you will wish you tried it sooner!

1c Flour (I use Whole Wheat)
1 Egg
1/2 egg shell full of Water
Salt, to taste
Italian Herbs, if preferred
Olive Oil (I add this but sometimes it makes the pasta dense and "gluteney")

I put all these ingredients in my Cuisinart and pulse until it forms a ball. Sometimes you need to add a itsy bit more water to get it to ball up.

I take the ball and roll out with a rolling pin on a floured surface. It's probably best to let the dough rest mid-way. Once it is rolled to the thickness of your liking, use a pizza cutter to slice up the pasta.

The pasta can be used immediately or dried a bit. It should cook up in only a few minutes!

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