Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rawtarian's Silky Green Smoothie

3 large bananas (peeled)
2 medium oranges (peeled - use a knife, cut generously around the edges to remove a lot of the white rind as well as the skin)
1 apple (chopped)
1 cup spinach
1/2 cup to 1 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 sprinkle cinnamon
1 tablespoon chia seeds

1. Add all ingredients to blender. Place soft ingredients like bananas in first, because that's what I was taught!
2. Blend in your high-speed blender until nicely smooth.
3. Empty your blender immediately. Pour green smoothie into cup(s) or a large mason jar for on-the-go.
4. Add 1-2 cups of water into your blender immediately and blend again to aid in cleaning process. Take carafe to sink and finish rinsing/cleaning blender right away. I am not a good housekeeper but the one rule in my house is to NEVER let the Vitamix carafe sit uncleaned. NEVER! Why? Because then if I'm lazy later on and it's not clean then I won't use it, then I won't know what to make, and I'll just eat nuts for dinner because I'm too lazy to clean the blender. NEVER store recipes in your blender for this reason. :)

This recipe makes quite a large green smoothie, it's a perfect breakfast for 1 person. This is my go-to breakfast.

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