Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rawterian's Corn Chowder

1 cup fresh corn kernels (you can used well-drained, unsweetened canned corn if you must, but it's so much better raw when using fresh, uncooked corn sliced off the cob!) (plus you'll need more corn to garnish - see below)
1/4 cup cashews
3/4 cup water
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup more fresh corn kernels (reserve)
Sprinkle pepper (reserve)
A few sprigs of fresh cilantro, chopped very finely (reserve) (optional)

1. Peel your corn on the cob. Slice the kernels off the cob by holding the corn cob vertically and slicing down toward your cutting board. Be careful! (If you're using canned corn, make sure to rinse and drain the corn kernels. Pat dry with a clean tea towel.)

2. Add all ingredients (except the second amount of corn, the pepper and the cilantro) into your high-speed blender. Blend on high until very smooth and well-blended. Blend for an abnormally long time because you want this raw corn chowder recipe to be slightly warm when coming out of the blender.

3. Pour liquidy corn mixture into a bowl(s). Add remaining corn and stir with a spoon. Garnish with pepper and chopped cilantro (optional).

4. Eat this raw corn chowder recipe immediately, while still warm from the blender!

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